Make Your Mobile Business Life Easier

The season may be winding down but you’re probably not. There are still so many things to do before your business slows down for the winter. We’ve pulled together some tips to make your mobile business life easier – now and in the future of your growing business.

Good Business Management is 4D

With so many things on your plate, it’s important to manage your time and brainpower. This is a simple approach to keeping your to-do list manageable while keeping your sanity. Follow the 4D rule of Do, Drop, Delegate or Develop.

  • DO only the things that make sense for you to DO. Look at your priorities and focus on what is most urgent and important. Whatever is left should fall into the other Ds.
  • DROP items are nice-to-do but are neither urgent or even necessary. If you haven’t done it already, it may not be important enough to spend your time thinking about.
  • DELEGATE items you just can’t get to, to people you trust to get the job done. Start small and as individuals prove themselves, delegate more. This empowers others and frees up your time.
  • DEVELOP ideas that need time to nurture. Actively find ways to improve the idea or overcome obstacles to making it happen. If it’s meant to be, it will happen. Otherwise, drop it.

Streamline Your Mobile Office

A cluttered working environment can lead to wasted time and more stress. When your mobile office is clean and organized, your work life on the road can be much more efficient and safe. Here are a few ideas for keeping your mobile office running like a fine-tuned machine.

  • Office organizer – Buy a folder with slots at your local office supply store. Then use the separate slots for brochures, blank estimate/invoice sheets, signed estimates, receipts, etc.
  • Navigation tools to get you where you’re going faster: GPS, Google Maps or WAZE – a crowd-sourcing software that provides the best routes to avoid traffic.
  • Pack a cooler for your lunch and refreshments for the team – eating healthy and staying hydrated gives everyone more energy throughout the day.
  • First aid kit and fire extinguisher – always good to have, just in case.

Best Apps for Your Mobile Business

  1. Marketing – Social media lets you keep your brand relevant in real time. Share pictures of your projects. Ask customers to share their reviews on Google and in their neighbourhood Facebook group. 
  2. Quoting – Eagleview is the most effective way to estimate a job. Ask your Gibson rep about it.
  3. Sales toolsDocusign for electronic contracts, Square for payments, and SNAP Home Financial is used by many businesses in the construction industry to get quick financing options for your customer. With a simple scan of their drivers license and a few pieces of other information, they could be approved within a few minutes. Great for end of season sales – check out last month’s article.
  4. Scheduling – Set up a Google calendar and share with your team so everyone knows where they need to be and when.
  5. Accounting Quickbooks lets you manage account payables, receivables, payroll and much more. You can scan receipts, create invoices all from an app on your phone.  

If you are not the techie type or find the numbers tedious, make sure you are working with a bookkeeper and/or accountant that has your back. They will give you guidance on how to organize your paperwork. Stay on top of the money in your mobile business and it will grow.

If you need someone to talk to about your business, reach out to your Gibson rep. They are always happy to help in any way they can.