Kaycan Price Increase March 2022

Demand for aluminum around the world continues to be very strong while product remains in short supply. Simultaneously, the global supply chain is experiencing explosive growth in packaging costs, transport and logistic, and labour increases. The combination of these factors has caused unprecedented material cost increases with no expectation of relief for the foreseeable future. Consequently, despite all efforts to absorb or mitigate these costs through efficiency improvements, Kaycan must pass along the following price increase. 

Effective March 21, 2022 we will be implementing increases on the following product categories: 

  • Aluminum Siding, Soffit, and Accessories 7% 
  • Trim Coil, Gutter Coil 7% 
  • Aluminum Rainware 7% 
  • Aluminum Shutters 7% 

If you have any questions or require further information, please feel free to reach out to your Territory Account Manager.

As always, thank you for your continued business.


The Gibson Team