Boost your roofing sales with the right pricing strategy

Price vs Value for roofers

If you’re looking to make more money with your roofing business, you’ve got to have the right pricing strategy. What may surprise you is that the answer is not charging less. In fact, you should probably be charging more. Selling on price is not a long-term strategy for success. There will always be someone out there who’ll do it cheaper. The answer is to sell on quality and value, instead of just price.

Here are some tips to help you boost your roofing sales and make more money.

1.  Get a manufacturer’s stamp of approval

If possible, it’s a good idea for roofing contractors to get certified by a manufacturer. You boost your credibility with customers and can increase the value of what you’re selling by offering extended warranties on your projects. You can also take advantage of special incentives. Ask your Gibson Rep how to get certified. 

2. Explain what goes into a roof 

Many customers may think you’re just selling shingles. But you’re not. You’re selling integrated roof systems. When you meet with customers, try and explain to them how much is involved in the roofing process. Emphasize the quality of materials and workmanship you provide. This helps them understand the difference between you and your competition, and you’ll have a better chance of making the sale. 

3. Offer three pricing options

We recommend offering your customer an itemized quote with three pricing options: Basic, Better, Best. Outline what they get with each option and how much more they get by paying a bit more. People tend to select the mid-range price when there’s a choice. 

4. Close more sales with this Roofing Comparison Chart

This chart shows three typical roofing options and helps customers understand what they’re getting for their money. When they see the added value, it’s easier to justify the cost … and you’ll close the sale at a better price. 

Roofing Comparison Chart shows Basic, Better and Best options

Click here to download this powerful sales tool. 

There’s space at the bottom of the chart for you to attach your business card or include your contact information.

Power up your sales

At Gibson Building Supplies, we’re here to help you get more roofing sales and grow your business. Please reach out to your Gibson Rep for help estimating any of your roofing or building projects at competitive prices. 

For more sales tips, check out this article: 5 Ways to Close End-Of-Season Sales.