Five ways to keep your good roofers on the job 

Two roofers having lunch

Labour shortages in the roofing and construction industry continue to be a challenge for business owners. Once you get good roofers and builders on your team, you want to hold onto them. Especially during the busy roofing and construction season. Here are five things that can help you keep the folks you want when you need them the most.

1. Know what they like doing 

  • Everyone wants something different from their job. Some may only want to work on specific types of projects. Others may prefer a variety of roofing and building projects and be eager to take on new challenges. 
  • Understand what each person likes to do and try to give them projects that fit them.

2. Help them improve their skills

  • Learning something new or acquiring new skills keeps a job interesting.
  • Provide ongoing education and training for your roofers. Keep them up-to-date on new products and how to use them.
  • Provide opportunities for roofing employees to take on new roles, such as becoming a team leader or project manager. This will strengthen your team and set your business up for greater success.

3. Ask for their input

  • Do your roofers have ideas about how to make things better? Ask for their input and make changes if you can.
  • Even if you can’t act on some of their ideas, the fact that you want to hear their suggestions makes people feel appreciated.

4. Recognize and reward accomplishments

  • Be sure to acknowledge the people doing good work. 
  • Reward workers who take the initiative to solve problems or go above and beyond to ensure the job gets done right.
  • Offer rewards for roofers or roofing crews who get the customer to leave a positive review online or when you get good customer feedback about a project.

5. If someone quits, find out why

  • People quit for all kinds of different reasons. If there are problems with your crew or people are frustrated by the way projects are being managed, you want to find that out.
  • This is your chance to make some changes to prevent others from leaving.
  • If someone was a great addition to your team, let them know the door is always open if they want to come back.

Want to keep your good roofers? Make them feel appreciated for their efforts and hard work. For more tips on keeping your good roofers on the job during the busy summer months, check out this article: Top 5 Team Motivation Tips

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